Friday, May 10, 2013

"Just Another Day In Paradise"

I wanted to start this entry off with a shout out to Miss Abigail!  She has been staying with us and will until the spring semester is over.  It has been a total blast.  It has been so fun getting to know her even better and to have her joy in our home.  She so fun, happy, and helpful!  We sure love you Abby!  

 "Just Another Day In Paradise"

 Abby and I were talking and she said that while she was driving in the car she heard the song called "Just Another Day in Paradise."  She said she loved it and it just about made her cry. I have heard this song before, but didn't really pay to much attention to the lyrics.  I decided to listen to it and I just felt so much gratitude in my heart.  It just pretty much talks about how our day to days lives can become our paradise!  It just really opened my heart and made me want to be more grateful for each day.  I am also so grateful for my wonderful, loving husband.  He is the one to make my days my paradise!  I love you zach! 

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