Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines Day with my one and only Valentine

So, Valentines Day only comes once a year, right?  So why not have fun with it?  I know I sure did.  I had such a blast all day getting things ready. I went and hung out with my mom for little bit and she helped me get some decorations and helped me cut some cute hearts! Oh and I must give her the credit for the dinner we had, we had Japanese Curry.  That was her idea.  Well, it ended up tasting great, but I just forgot to add water..ya im learning how to cook Japanese food, it might take me a little longer :)  But all that really matters was that it was eaten and it turned out tasting good.  Anyway, I got the house all decorated, got dinner made, had Pandora love songs playing and had all the candles lit.  I couldn't wait for my Valentine to get home.  I was just sitting on the couch peaking through the curtains, and when he drove up he saw me.  Dang it.  I quickly shut the blinds thinking he didn't see me, but he did.  haha :) We had a great night together and had dinner, and chocolate dipped strawberries.  Zach left me with a sweet note and came home with the most beautiful purple roses.  I was so happy!  I love this man so much.  Our first Valentines Day married was a memory we will forever remember :)


  1. Y'all are adorable! Love seeing you both so happy together! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Thanks mamma page! I hope your Valentines Day was great! We had a great time, made some great memories! :)
